The endoscopic approach to salivary gland ductal pathologies.
The iSIAL is the world's largest organization representing specialists who treat salivary gland diseases using this cutting edge technology. This non-profit body is committed to advance the art, science and ethical practice of sialendoscopy by empowering members to provide the best quality of care to patients.
The ESTC is the international training center which welcomes physicians from all specialties and all countries to be trained for this specific and challenging technique.
This very practical hands-on book collects the experience of 154 experts from 40 countries. It is richly illustrated, and organized into 100 chapters, detailing different aspects of sialendoscopy, and 50 complicated and challenging cases. It is divided into seven sections: The essentials before starting, the beginner’s approach, advanced techniques, combined techniques, complications, complicated cases, and challenging cases. The book aims to reach medical students, as well as physicians, beginners, and advanced experts interested in sialendoscopy.
"Dr. Marchal has created the definitive guide to sialendoscopy with expert contributions from his many international collaborators. This book is a "must have" for all interested in minimally invasive salivary gland surgery and sialendoscopy."
Member benefits
Benefits of being a member are multiple. Members are part of a large network of more than a thousand specialists dealing with sialendoscopy around the world.
As such, recovering regular information about ongoing post-graduate teaching, courses and conferences.
More over, members will benefit from rebates at ISIAL and MSGS conferences.
Being interested in the technique and having had previous exposure to it (regular surgical activity within a department, courses, conferences).
Member must be acknowledged by 2 active members of the Society.
Members must be physicians or nurses clinically active in sialendoscopy. Their background can be ENT Specialist, Maxillofacial surgeon, surgeon with specific competence in salivary gland.
The actual annual fee to become a member is CHF 90.-
Member conditions
Membership is an investment in you and your professional development, irrespective of your level of experience or practice setting. As a member, you become connected to a global community of your peers and you will be informed about international courses and conferences dealing with sialendoscopy. Also, you will be able to exchange regarding the management of difficult and challenging cases.
Members enjoy a reduced registration rate on ESTC courses, which attract the world’s largest gathering of sialendoscopists.
Easy links to current and upcoming conferences and continuing medical education activities, to help sialendoscopists meet their professional needs.Discounted rate for the first-ever comprehensive and richly illustrated “Sialendoscopy: The Hands-on Book. This multi-national authored publication has been developed by leading experts in the field and are aim to deliver information that is highly relevant to your practice
Sialendomed is a platform where all the literature published on sialendosocopy is available
Its advantage is :
-The papers have been filtered to help finding quickly your research (whole papers or abstracts)
Sialendolink is the network of the International Sialendoscopy Society.
The group allows the access to the whole community of sialendsocopists around the world.
Its advantages are Privacy is secured. You can exchange about cases and inquire about others experiences or advises. You will be immediately informed about courses and congresses around the world.
As non member of ISIAL you can receive informations about sialendoscopy on the public channel of telegram-sialendoscopy
As member, you will be invited to the private chatting rooms
Access to the latest AI of sialendoscopy run by ISIAL
Advantages are:
- Any basic question can be answered by our specialized AI
- The sialendolink group will answer to your questions H24
International organisation
In many countries, international sialendoscopists have united to share their experiences and to increase their knowledge in creating local or national societies of sialendoscopy.
As the technique is rapidly growing and as challenges are multiple, in terms of medical indications, surgical novelties and insurance reimbursements, we thought that bringing experts from all countries could only be beneficial.
On the other hand, salivary gland diseases taken individually are rare diagnoses, and several years are needed in order to achieve a reasonable degree of experience in treating them. As such, only through collaboration will it be possible to organize the prospective multicenter trials necessary to progress. The iSIAL will offer an online database on sialendoscopy that will permit the real-time capture of data, which can then be used to formulate management guidelines and develop reference networks. Membership of the Society will allow data-sharing with other colleagues via scientific projects approved by the scientific committee of the Society. There will be also a forum to discuss difficult and challenging cases, with the possibility given to post online videos, pictures, or ask specific questions regarding patient management. In this way, all experts belonging to the network will be able to share their knowledge.
With healthcare costs rising constantly worldwide, new technologies will continue to have difficulties to be implemented. While private sector might play a role, the main driving force for adopting sialendoscopy will be patients who will be unwilling to accept traditional salivary gland surgery in the face of a minimally invasive procedure. Results from multicentric studies will hopefully convince politicians and insurance companies of the cost –effectiveness of the technique.